Howdy! I'm Thomas Touhey, I am 28 years old, and this is my website.
I've been interested in computers since 2009, where I started learning C. As the years passed, I've experimented with a variety of languages and technologies, and have developed an ever growing curiosity in this domain.
This passion has driven my studies choice: I've obtained a French BTS en Systèmes Numériques option Informatique et Réseaux in 2018, followed by an Expert en Système Informatique diploma in 2021.
Throughout my professional experiences, I've been able to work in logistics with Carrefour, finance with Powens, and logging with BNP Paribas; what I've accomplished in these experiences is detailed in my resume.
On my own time, I've worked on a lot of C and Python projects, some native and some web projects (with and without front-end), including Cahute, Teapots, and others described in my portfolio. I also sometimes write posts on this blog.
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